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Winter Along the RiverMEDIUMWatercolorBIOTexture, composition, and a bit of quirk are the hallmarks of Nan Wright’s style. A journey that began (and continues) with photography and Prismacolor drawing has waded into the world of watercolor. As an award-winning watercolor artist, Nan enjoys nature painting. All seasons of the year are her favorite! Splitting her time between Grand County and Texas, there is no shortage of subject matter for an adventurous artist. From art history classes in graduate school — to “zooming” around the world during the pandemic — continuing education and exploration are vital sparks for this artist. HOMETOWNFraser, COI Venture Out Because… Snowflakes are winter’s butterflies.WEBSITE & SOCIAL
	Facebook: Nan Wright Watercolor
► View all 2021 Art Trail artistsWinter Along the River

MEDIUM: Watercolor

BIO: Texture, composition, and a bit of quirk are the hallmarks of Nan Wright’s style. A journey that began (and continues) with photography and Prismacolor drawing has waded into the world of watercolor. As an award-winning watercolor artist, Nan enjoys nature painting. All seasons of the year are her favorite! Splitting her time between Grand County and Texas, there is no shortage of subject matter for an adventurous artist. From art history classes in graduate school — to “zooming” around the world during the pandemic — continuing education and exploration are vital sparks for this artist. 


I Venture Out Because… 

Snowflakes are winter’s butterflies.