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Request for Proposal

winter park event center with groups of people

About this RFP

The Winter Park & Fraser Chamber (the Chamber), acting as the agent for the Town of Winter Park, is accepting proposals from entities interested in producing events in the Town of Winter Park. Winter Park Events are a subsegment of the community’s overall marketing program to drive guests, visitors, and second homeowners to choose Winter Park over other Colorado resort communities. 

All prospective event producers will submit proposals to the Chamber. These proposals will be reviewed and “scored” by a Town Council appointed Events Committee. If the proposed event meets approval, the producer will work with the Chamber Staff to establish a finalized work plan, including deadlines and production schedule. 

Event producers planning an event in the Town of Winter Park are required to fill out this form IF:

  • The event producer is asking for money to produce the event.

  • The event producer is asking for Town of Winter Park or Winter Park & Fraser Chamber Staff time

NOTE: All event producers that wish to produce an event in the Town of Winter Park must fill out a Special Event Permit Application. More information can be found here

Questions concerning this process.

Prospective proposers are encouraged to submit substantive questions, comments, and concerns. No interpretation of the meaning of the specifications or other contract documents will be made to the bidders orally. Every request for such interpretation, clarification or approved equal shall be e-mailed to Megan Anderson at [email protected]. Questions received no later than 5:00 PM on October 9 will be answered in writing and distributed to all proposers on the RFP distribution list in the form of a written Addendum. All addenda shall become part of the contract documents and must be included in the proposal submission. 

Submission Deadline:
All submissions are due via email to Megan Anderson at [email protected]  no later than 5 PM on OCTOBER 18, 2024, if requesting funds due to budget timeline(s). If you would like to submit an event after October 18, your proposal must be summited to Megan Anderson no later than ten weeks prior to event date, but submitting as early as possible is strongly preferred by the committee and staff.


As the Town Council appointed Events Committee determines which events to market and produce, key questions must be answered by the entity proposing an event:

  • What is the purpose of the event? 
  • Does the event fit with the community brand.
  • Does the event align with our marketing strategy? Is it the best event to do this? 
  • Who is the target audience for this event? (Ages, gender, locations (local, front-range, CO, national), interests, etc.…)
  • What are the operational impacts of creating the event?
  • Is this a destination event or an activation event?

Goals of Winter Park Events

The purpose of producing events in the Winter Park area is to enhance community appeal and visibility by creating engaging, memorable experiences that foster a sense of belonging among residents and visitors alike. We aim to drive local economic growth, activate business centers, and attract diverse audiences year-round, while strengthening our community brand and highlighting what makes us unique.  


  • Produce events that highlight our natural environment 
  • Focus on non-peak times to drive incremental visits and revenue 
  • Elevate signature events through collaboration between the broader community/ strategic partners and the Resort/ strategic partners 
  • Develop diverse events to attract new audiences & drive overnight visitation 
  • Strengthen collaborative marketing messages 

To provide a structured mechanism to answer the above questions and determine the viability of events, the following criteria are used to create a decision matrix. 

  • Fits with the community brand. 
  • Drives overnight visitation.
  • Targeted to key audiences. 
  • Timing (optimization of calendar)
  • Bang for the buck (investment of staff resources and dollars compared to attendance and impact)
  • Directly supports local businesses.

Events will be scored on a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being “does not meet criteria”, 5 meaning “fully meets criteria”. 

Matrix Score - Total Score Out of 30 

  • Fits with Brand
  • Drives Overnight
  • Targeted to Audience
  • Supports Businesses
  • Name of Event
    Date of Proposed Event
  • If previous event, # of times executed in WP and/or Rendezvous Event Center
  • Purpose/Goal of Event
  • Is this a Destination Event or Activation Event?
  • Target Audience (ages, gender, interest, locations (local, front-range, CO, national), interests, etc…) considering offering check boxes too (ie: family-friendly, active senior, music-lover, art-enthusiast, extreme athlete, outdoor explorer, etc…)
  • Anticipated Attendance
  • Anticipated # and type of complimentary/periphery entities (merch vendors, bands, dj, food trucks, etc…) 
  • Please provide event Budget – if public dollars are being requested.
  • If ticketed event, anticipated ticket prices
  • Narrative (please provide a brief description of how event meets criteria). 
  • Contact Information

All accepted proposals must fill out the grant evaluation report within 45 days of the event. 

Grant Evaluation will be sent to the organizer after application is approved by the Special Event Committee. 

The proposal will also contain:

  • The name, address, and telephone number of the people who will:
  • Serve as a technical contact for the events.
  • Serve as Principal Contact with the Chamber
  • Make presentations on behalf of the firm. The same information will be required for any sub-consultants to the primary consultants. 

***Any confidential material contained in the proposal shall be clearly indicated and marked as “CONFIDENTIAL.”